mGov Lab China - 移动政务实验室:中国最早的移动政务研究网络,旨在搭建研究者和行业实践者的研究和交流平台,致力于推动移动通讯、移动计算技术、以及以移动技术为代表的普适计算、泛在网络技术在政府管理、公共服务领域的应用,促进行业发展和管理创新,致力于研究和推动移动信息、通信技术技术融和所催生的、知识社会环境下的下一代创新(创新2.0)及其带动的组织、社会、经济、科技和管理变革。
The mGovernment Laboratory, China (mGov Lab China) is the first mobile government research group in China. It aims to set up a platform for researchers and industrial experts and to promote mobile government practice and innovation in China. By promoting the application of pervasive and ubiquitous technologies, repersented by mobile technology, in government and public sectors, mGov Lab China aims to promote the the next generation of innovation (innovation 2.0) in organization, society and management enabled and pushed by the emergence and convergence of ICT in a knowledge-based society.